Tuesday 1 May 2012

Haven’t I an original bone in my body?

In the styles of Seamus Ruttledge and John Lennon - haven’t I an original bone in my body?

As if I’m treading water
In the warm salty sea
Seamus’ songs envelope
Support and tickle me.

From shallows to the deep
His words and tunes just creep
Up and wander around my head
My soul and my sleep.

A middle class hero is something to be.
A middle class hero is something to be.

You get all the hate
But have no money.
There’s no working class kudos
No class glory for me.

But I have my ideals and they set me free
Alongside experience which makes me doubt
What the hell this cruel world is really about
But my colyoomistas really matter to me
While my mates gather round and get me out of my tree.

So sing, Seamus, write,
Like a full moon at night
Keep your gentle tunes playing,
Your words of wisdom saying
That there’s others out there
Also bathed in moonlight,
Finding comfort in company, as we fight our good fight.

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