Tuesday 18 October 2011

I was strangely proud of my 'Magnificent Seven'!

thanks to clker.com

All summer my colyoomistas have been brushed aside with excuses. You've had apologies about long gaps between colyooms and enigmatic allusions to a period of stress and pressure.

Well, now you can read about what was happening by going out and buying a copy of today's Irish Times, or clicking on the link below.


Sadly the fates didn't bless us with a child, so we're going to buy a puppy instead!


  1. Great article, Charlie. Funny and, of course, moving. And well done, getting published in a major paper!
    Sorry things haven't worked out as you hoped. It must be terribly stressful and upsetting for both of you. All the best, mate.

  2. Thanks Mac - been in the Irish Times before, but it feels good each time!

    The magnificent typo in the Irish Times' headline is nothing to do with me - the nation's Paper of Record it may be but they can make 'MAGNIFICANT' errors. At least it wasn't a 'U '!!

  3. Been busy, only catching up now, great article. Sorry but I couldnt help thinking of the one armed guy in one of the magnificent seven,think it was the last.
    BTW hope all goes well for ye

  4. That's okay Paz - we're all boys in here today, it sems.

    It all happened last summer and sadly it didn't work out, so we're going to get a puppy!
