Tuesday 27 September 2011

I was quite relaxed about my operation until....

Lying on the trolley-bed in Pre-0p, waiting to be wheeled in for my operation, I hear two women and a man talking behind me.

“It’s such a shame, isn’t it? Didn’t they read her notes?”

“Apparently they did. Well, they said they did, but they had to say that, didn’t they? Still, I don’t see how they could have. Terribly sad, awful.”

“No, they couldn’t have read her notes, otherwise she wouldn’t have died!”

Whoever you were, thanks for your comforting chitty-chat. So good to overhear your reassuring words, just before they wheeled me into the operating theatre!


  1. only catching up after a few hectic weeks hope all went well.

  2. All is good so far, Paz thanks for asking- hope to be on the prom next week!

  3. Wishing you all the best Charlie.
