Friday 23 September 2011

If all goes well I'll be back on the Prom ... fingers crossed!

No fresh and furry post this week, as I'm off to hospital to have a little keyhole surgery on my knee. If all goes well I'll be able to walk without pain, a prospect that fills me with joy. So fingers crossed and I'll keep my colyoomistas posted...


  1. Very best of luck Charlie - when you out?

  2. Thanks David - Should be in and out on the Monday, but will be lounging around the house until midweek.

  3. I knew all that knee-jerk reaction action to the world's problems would catch up to you, old man! Or is it the daily knee slapping humour?
    Take it easy, take it easy!

  4. Sound advice H - much appreciated.

    The knee tear is probably somewhat down to my habit of banging into things,cutting myself and bruising completely unaware, until at some later stage I look down at an old scab or a scar or a burn and wonder where and when I did that.

    Herseld has correctly observed that it happens when I'm not 'in the moment', so I'm working on that, but 'tis the scribbler's lot to have a wandering wondering mind.
